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How to Create a Guest List

How to Create a Guest List Without Stress

Creating a guest list for your wedding can be one of the most challenging aspects of the planning process. Striking a balance between inviting everyone you want while staying within budget and venue constraints is no easy task. Here’s a guide to creating a guest list without the stress.

1. Set Your Priorities

Before you start jotting down names, decide what kind of wedding you want. Is it an intimate gathering of close friends and family, or a grand affair with everyone you know? Understanding what you and your partner envision for your day will help guide the guest list process.

2. Determine Your Budget and Venue

Your budget and venue are two of the biggest factors that will influence your guest list. Know how many people your venue can comfortably accommodate and how much you can afford to spend per guest. This will give you a clear idea of the maximum number of guests you can invite.

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3. Create an A-list and a B-list

Divide your guest list into two parts: the A-list and the B-list. The A-list should include must-have guests like close family and best friends. The B-list is for guests you’d love to invite if space and budget permit. This way, if someone from the A-list can’t make it, you can move a person or couple from the B-list.

4. Be Consistent with Plus Ones

Decide on a rule for plus ones and stick to it consistently. For example, you might only allow plus ones for guests who are in a serious relationship or have been dating for a certain period. This can help limit the guest count.

5. Consider a No-Children Policy

If you’re looking to keep your guest list in check and are not keen on having a lot of children at your wedding, considering an adults-only wedding might be an option.

6. Get Input From Parents (If Appropriate)

If your parents or your partner’s parents are contributing financially to the wedding, it’s courteous to allow them some input on the guest list. Set clear boundaries on how many guests they can invite.

7. Use a Spreadsheet

Stay organized by using a spreadsheet to track your guest list. Include columns for names, addresses, RSVPs, dietary restrictions, and any other relevant information. This will also make it easier when it’s time to send out invitations and track responses.

8. Don’t Feel Obligated

Remember, it’s your day. Don’t feel obligated to invite someone just because they invited you to their wedding or because someone insists that you should.

9. Review and Revise

Once you’ve created your initial list, review it with your partner and make revisions. Sometimes a second or third look can provide clarity on who should actually make the cut.

10. Communicate With Your B-List

If you do need to invite guests from your B-list, make sure you communicate with them as soon as you know there’s room. This ensures they have enough time to make arrangements.


Creating a guest list requires thoughtfulness and sometimes tough decisions, but with clear priorities, organization, and open communication, it doesn’t have to be a stressful process. Keep your focus on celebrating your special day surrounded by those who mean the most to you.